As we tackle the last of the Ten Guideposts for Wholehearted Living it seems appropriate that we are also heading into the ‘holiday season’. For many this brings a mixed bag of emotions from joy to longing to excitement to frustration depending on what experiences and memories the holiday season triggers for you. The Tenth [...]
As we arrive closer to the end of the year it provides a great opportunity for reflection on guidepost 9: ‘Cultivating Meaningful Work: Letting Go of Self-Doubt and Supposed to’ from The Gifts of Imperfection by Dr Brené Brown. As many of us run out of steam and complain of tiredness from the long year [...]
With only three more guideposts remaining I am reminded that we are very quickly approaching the Christmas season. How appropriate then to be talking about cultivating calm and stillness with is the 8th Guidepost for Wholehearted Living. While cultivating Calm and Stillness may seem challenging for some of us, perhaps it is the ‘letting go [...]
How common is it these days to ask how people are and hear back the response “Busy!” How often have you responded in the same way? ‘Busy’ seems to be the current ‘way of being’ and seen by many as a badge of honour but how often do we stop and wonder whether this way [...]
The 6th Guidepost of Wholehearted Living outlined in Dr Brené Brown’s book “The Gifts of Imperfection” is Cultivating Creativity – Letting go of Comparison. Dr Brown has become very passionate about the importance of creativity in our lives in recent years and summarises what she has learned about creativity from her research in three points [...]
This month we have arrived at the half way point in the 10 Guideposts of Wholehearted living by Dr Brené Brown. If you haven’t read the first 4, take a few minutes to refer back to my earlier posts. The fifth guidepost outlined By Brené Brown in her book “The Gifts of Imperfection” is Cultivating [...]
The fourth guidepost outlined By Brené Brown in her work is: Cultivating Gratitude and Joy: Letting Go of Scarcity and Fear of the Dark This guidepost is one that may sound simple but can reveal vulnerabilities on both sides of the equation. Gratitude and joy may seem like concepts that most would eagerly embrace but [...]
The third guidepost outlined By Brené Brown in her work is: Cultivating a Resilient Spirit: Letting Go of Numbing and Powerlessness What is Resilience? The way I always describe resilience is by calling it my ‘bounce back factor’. Very simply, it is the ability to get back up again [...]
The second guidepost outlined By Brené Brown in her work is Cultivating Self-Compassion: Letting Go of Perfectionism. Perfectionism in itself is a topic I could write about for a year and still have more to write. It is the culprit that underpins many unhealthy behaviours and is a common by-product of ‘I am NOT [...]
After immersing myself in the work of Brené Brown for the last 4 years and becoming a Certified Daring Way Facilitator, I have come to realise that authenticity is one of the most important qualities I look for in another and also in myself. The more aware I become of this quality the more [...]