The Power of Vulnerability

5 years ago or more I was introduced to the ‘viral’ talks of Dr Brené Brown; ‘The Power of Vulnerability’ and ‘Listening to Shame’. These powerful talks set the wheels in motion for me, challenging past philosophies and introducing a new methodology into my coaching practice and my life. Vulnerability and shame don’t seem [...]

Showing Appreciation in Business and in Life – Part 2

As we learned in the last post, Alison Armstrong has spent much of her working life identifying what makes men and women tick and has identified what she calls ‘The Appreciation Equation’ to help us understand how critical the giving and receiving of appreciation is in both our business and personal relationships. Click here if you [...]

Showing Appreciation in Business and in Life

During 2014 I spent a great deal of time studying the work of Alison Armstrong, from Pax Incorporated, who is globally recognised for her research on the development of men and women with a particular focus on the ways in which we can create effective partnerships.   One of the many areas that Alison focuses [...]

2015 More or Less?

I have never been a big fan of “New Year’s Resolutions’, in fact I can’t say that I have ever made one but I have watched many friends and clients make and break them within moments of their steadfast resolve only to justify their inaction with  ‘I’ll try again next year’. What I do like [...]

Tips for Using Humour in Business

In this era of abundant social media it seems that the line between what is appropriate and inappropriate to share or say is getting more blurred each moment. Now, I like a laugh and a joke as much as the next person, but what I find constantly astounding is the lack of attention people pay [...]

Chasing Mavericks in Business

“This is about finding that one thing that sets you free. You need to believe in yourself or none of this matters.”  This is the overall theme of a recent movie I have seen called “Chasing Mavericks” staring Gerard Butler as Frosty Hesson, who takes a young gun surfer Jay Moriarity under his wing. “What’s [...]

Reason, Season or a Lifetime?

I was speaking with a client today and was reminded of a poem I had come across a while ago that I reflect up on often with regard to the relationships that have come and gone in my life. With every relationship I enter into I often reflect upon the purpose and wonder which of [...]

Who Do You Spend The Most Time With?

As an avid fan of the late Jim Rohn’s teachings I am always drawn to his words of wisdom especially when they help me to define how to be more successful in business.  One of his biggest areas of focus is to do with the people you choose to spend time with, in fact one [...]

Is it Time to ‘Adjust’ Your Plan?

While having dinner the other night with some close friends the conversation turned to our favourite movies; All-time favourites, best action movie, thrillers, and so on until we reached ‘best romantic movie’.  Being a die-hard romantic for my entire life I reeled through the obvious list of Nicholas Sparks movies, titanic and so on, before [...]

7 Life Lessons From Jim Rohn

Those who know me also know how much time I have invested in listening to audio recordings from the late Jim Rohn.  Perhaps my only regret in life to date is that I didn’t take the opportunity to see Jim live before he left this world back in December 2009. For those who aren’t familiar [...]