Before you even think about buying or starting a business there are 7 Important Questions you need to ask yourself if you want to make the best possible decision. Once you have considered these questions you will have enough information to decide whether the business you have in mind is the best one for you [...]
Dealing with Shame
We all get embarrassed now and then. The simple choice to live life brings the risk of feeling ‘not so great’ at times when we do things we may regret or not do things we wish we had. Embarrassment is useful when it keeps us on track with our values. Shame is a much deeper [...]
Dealing with Guilt
Robert Blair once said “How blunt are all the arrows of thy quiver in comparison with those of guilt” and I haven’t found a quote that cuts right to the heart of this topic like this one does. The word itself is used often so let’s be clear on what it actually is. Guilt, quite [...]
Mark Twain said “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it” such a beautiful quote that truly encapsulates the intent behind true forgiveness. Forgiveness is defined in the dictionary as the ‘letting go of resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference, or mistake’. [...]
Challenges of Coping with Pregnancy Loss
Coping with pregnancy loss can be difficult for both the expectant mother and the people most affected by the tragic event – husband, grandparents and close friends, for example. Miscarriage, stillbirth and pregnancy loss are all terms used to describe the loss of a baby while still in the mother’s womb. In many instances it [...]
Short Term Goals – One thing at a time in 2011!
I am almost certain that I am not the only person in the world who bites off more than they can chew…. Well as certain as I can be. Les Brown quotes that ‘Goals help you channel energy in to action’ and I would wholeheartedly agree. Goals can give you focus and a purpose to [...]
Expectations Versus Standards
William Shakespeare once said that ‘Expectation is the root of all heartache’ and if I was to sum up the lessons of 2010 (and the last 4 decades of my life) it would be to not expect anything. It has taken me a while to understand this whole concept because one of the most fundamental [...]
Compassionate Detachment (what the?)
As a coach I regularly hear about troubling events and circumstances in the lives of my clients. Many people ask me how I keep my distance emotionally when I hear such stories of desperation. As a coach (and even as a friend) the only way to bring the best of myself to the situation is [...]
Worrying About What Other People Think…
A funny thing happened to me today…not for the first time I might add. I was caught up in the worry of what other people might think of me which in turn was preventing me from making a fairly straightforward business decision. Where does this fear come from? I am sure that I am not [...]
The Natural Course of Life
An excerpt from Beyond Pregnancy Loss: From Heartbreak to Healing There are no guarantees in life and each day we acknowledge the possibility of tragedy touching our lives. Those of us who have experienced the loss of a loved one understand how suddenly someone precious can be taken from us. Even with this knowledge (and [...]