2015 More or Less?

I have never been a big fan of “New Year’s Resolutions’, in fact I can’t say that I have ever made one but I have watched many friends and clients make and break them within moments of their steadfast resolve only to justify their inaction with  ‘I’ll try again next year’.

What I do like about the New Year is that it affords each of us an opportunity to sit and reflect and set a few new intentions so this is what I will base my first 2015 post on.

015As many of you will know from my work in the area of manifesting and my book “I AM: Creating Your Ideal Life in 10 Easy-to-Follow Steps”, I am far more focused on the ‘who’ we want to be rather than the ‘what’ I want to do.  This can be more challenging but also more rewarding to set intentions for and will definitely attract more of what you ultimately want anyway!

To keep things simple this year let’s focus on a few clear intentions rather than clutter our minds with 101 goals.  For 2015 let’s just decide what we want to me ‘more’ of and ‘less’ of so that the life we are imagining can become a reality for us.

Two simple questions:

What qualities or characteristics will you want to be displaying more of?

What qualities or characteristics will you be displaying less of?

This simple list of ‘more’ or ‘less’ will help you keep on track to realise any milestones you set yourself in 2015 and beyond.

I will leave you with this beautiful short poem from one of my favourites, Christopher Poindexter: “Do we have the guts to be all that we can be? This is the only true question my dear.”

Until next time…
