
Abraham Hicks – The Vortex

I have recently been immersed in the Abraham Hicks meditations and audios related to their most recent book “The Vortex”. Whilst not for everyone, Ester and Jerry Hicks have been messengers of the teachings of Abraham for many years and while appearing deep and complex, their messages are very simple and effective if you choose [...]

Eight Steps to Happiness

I have recently attended some meditations with a Buddhist Monk who has been speaking about ‘The Eight Steps to Happiness” a book written by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.  The basic assumption is that we are all seeking happiness and this publication steps us through the path to achieve this. Rather than go into detail – here [...]

List of Values

Here is a list of potential values to prompt your thinking in the values exercise. The list is by no means complete but it provides a great starting point! Abundance – A great or plentiful amount Acceptance – Favorable reception or belief in something Accomplishment – Doing or finishing something successfully Accountability – Obligation or [...]

What are Values?

Many of my clients struggle with the concept of identifying a list of personal values.  As a coach it is important to understand what the individual client holds as their most important principles of living so that I can understand how to best support them in addressing any issues and challenges that arise for them [...]

Dealing with Shame

We all get embarrassed now and then.  The simple choice to live life brings the risk of feeling ‘not so great’ at times when we do things we may regret or not do things we wish we had.  Embarrassment is useful when it keeps us on track with our values.  Shame is a much deeper [...]


Mark Twain said “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it” such a beautiful quote that truly encapsulates the intent behind true forgiveness. Forgiveness is defined in the dictionary as the ‘letting go of resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference, or mistake’.   [...]

Compassionate Detachment (what the?)

As a coach I regularly hear about troubling events and circumstances in the lives of my clients.  Many people ask me how I keep my distance emotionally when I hear such stories of desperation.   As a coach (and even as a friend) the only way to bring the best of myself to the situation is [...]

Worrying About What Other People Think…

A funny thing happened to me today…not for the first time I might add.  I was caught up in the worry of what other people might think of me which in turn was preventing me from making a fairly straightforward business decision.  Where does this fear come from? I am sure that I am not [...]