Coaching and Personal Development

The 80 20 Rule

The PARETO or 80/20 Rule – we have all heard about it but how many of us actually apply it on both a personal and business level? We’ve all been exposed to the 80/20 Principle at some point in our lives: The principle states, quite simply, that 20% of efforts lead to 80% of results. [...]

Time Management Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Of all the feedback I have received in the last 6 months at the Entrepreneurs Master Class, the most commonly asked for topic is ‘time management’.  And whether we run our own business or not this is a topic that resonates with most of us because time is something we never seem to have enough [...]

Finding Joe Movie

A few weeks ago I purchased and watched and uplifting movie called “Finding Joe”.  This unusual documentary pays homage to controversial yet influential mythologist Joseph Campbell (1904-87), and evaluates the impact of his teachings on contemporary culture. The centre of the film is the defining concept that Campbell referred to as “The Hero’s Journey” – [...]

Lest We Forget

As I stood there watching the sun slowly cast its warmth on the statue of the armed soldier and feeling the silent prayers surround me it was easy to be moved back to a time when our world was quite simply about life and death;  When a mother’s wish for her son extended well beyond [...]

Tuesdays with Morrie – A Lesson in Living

“The truth is . . . once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.” On the fourth Tuesday visit Morrie talks about death.  Mitch asks him how we can be prepared to die. Morrie talk about a Buddhist philosophy that every day, one must ask the bird on his shoulder if that [...]

Are You Adding Value?

One of the most common questions I find myself asking my clients and myself when choosing what to say or which action to take is “is this adding value?” Whether it is to a conversation, to a relationship or to what we want for ourselves. In a world full of information and communication I am [...]

The Tension of Opposites

One of my all-time favourite books is ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ written by Mitch Albom.  I first read this book over ten years ago and recently saw the movie starring Hank Azaria and Jack Lemmon. Morrie is a college professor who is slowly dying of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease).  Mitch re-connects with Morrie after years of [...]

Three Wishes

I was watching a TV program in the background as I blogged the other day and my attention was drawn to a Genie (yes one of those that appear when you rub a lamp!) who was granting a couple three wishes. Unlike the traditional genie story, this Genie had rules that the wishes had to [...]

Mission Statement or Mantra?

As I facilitated my early morning session at the Entrepreneur’s Master class a few weeks ago I could hear a subtle yet obvious groan as “Establishing your Business Vision and Mission” was announced as the topic.  Had I not known what I was going to propose I would have probably shared their lack of enthusiasm [...]

Are you a Master of Manifesting?

The first two months of 2012 have passed so quickly!  How have you been progressing toward the goals you set at the beginning of the year?   Could you benefit from an injection of positive energy and support from a group of like-minded individuals? If you are you ready to be a part of something special [...]